Do’s and Don’ts of Moving Furniture

The worst part about moving is getting all the furniture out, into the truck and into the new home in one piece. It’s killer on your back (which is why you should hire moversfor this!), not to mention there’s a high risk of damage to your furniture as well as to your surrounding floors, walls and ceilings.

Before considering moving furniture, ask yourself if it’s worth it. Do the pieces mean a lot to you? Can you buy new bedrooms sets, armoires, kitchen tables and playroom furniture in the new place? What will the cost difference be? Do you have the time, tools or patience to disassemble all the big stuff, such as pool tables and sectionals? Can your furniture even fit in the new place?

These are all great questions to ask yourself first before you even move one ottoman or chair. Schedule your movers well in advance and do a detailed inventory of the furniture that needs to be transported.

Keep these DO’S and DON’TS in mind when deciding to move your furniture to your new home.


  • Take an inventory ofall the furniture in your home and figure out what to do with each piece, keeping in mind quality, functionality, and sentimental value. Decide which ones will make the move with you.
  • Sketch out thefloor plan of your new home to determine where your furniture will fit into that. Some pieces may not fit at all, which makes your decision easier.
  • Give awayfurniture items you no longer want to family, friends, and local charities, suggests the Moving Blog.
  • Sellfurniture that’s still in great condition. You’ll need the extra cash!
  • Measureyour large furniture pieces, then compare those measurements with the doorways and hallways along your route. Clear a path so no obstacles are in the way.
  • Disassemble anyfurniture that you can, moving legs, drawers, decorations and other pieces separately.
  • Put small pieces such as knobs, screws and bolts intosealable plastic bags for safe keeping. Label in detail.
  • Remove allfragile furniture components like glass shelving, doors, and panels, and wrap them separately in paper or bubble wrap.
  • Protect your furniture when moving with blankets, stretch wrap, bubble wrap, cardboard, wrapping paper, and packing tape.
  • Put furniture protectors orcardboard around furniture corners.
  • Tape anything shut that could swing out when moving, such as drawers,doors, and panels.
  • If moving yourself, usefurniture sliders and a dolly to protect your neck and back, as well as the furniture itself.
  • Useproper lifting techniques: lift with your legs, not your back.
  • Wearcomfortable clothing and footwear, and use gloves to protect fingers.


  • Movefurniture that’s not worth the expense and time involved, such as ready-to-assemble furniture from IKEA. These items don’t transfer well and can fall apart. Take the time beforehand to think about what objects should make the move with you and which ones should be donated, given away or trashed.
  • Movefurniture that is dirty or damaged. You don’t want to bring dust and dirt into your new home, or introduce abrasive particles to other pieces of delicate furniture.
  • Forget to disassembleheavy, large furniture first to avoid damage.
  • Forget to ask some buddies to help you out with the furniture moving. This can be very risky to their physical health as well as to your furniture. You’re always better off hiring professionals who will arrive with the proper training and equipment.
  • Fail to protect your furniture before the move. Gather the proper packingsupplies beforehand and take the time to do it right.
  • Usepacking tape directly on the surfaces of your furniture because it can ruin the finish.  It’s best to use bubble wrap and furniture blankets for the first layer.
  • Attempt to slidedressers and couches along the floor without sliders. This can scratch your flooring.
  • Rush. Take your time, go slow, and this will help you avoid unnecessary damage.
  • Underestimatehow tough and complex the job of moving all your furniture will be. It’s no easy task and you can’t do it yourself.  To protect your furniture and your health, hire professional movers who have the experience, time and knowledge to get the job done right!

Contact Dependable Movers

If you need skilled movers you can trust to transport all your furniture, large or small, contact usfor a free quote on moving services in San Francisco.


What are the dos of moving furniture?

Do disassemble large furniture pieces before moving and use proper moving equipment like dollies and furniture sliders to prevent injury. Protect your furniture by wrapping it in blankets or bubble wrap to avoid scratches and damage during transport.

What are the don’ts of moving furniture?

Don’t rush the process or attempt to move heavy furniture by yourself without help. Avoid dragging furniture across the floor, as this can cause damage to both the furniture and the flooring.

How can I safely move heavy furniture?

To safely move heavy furniture, lift with your legs, not your back, and use straps or sliders to distribute the weight. Enlist help from friends or hire professional movers to avoid injury and ensure a smooth move.



Thank you so much for taking the time to check out our website. If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to ask. We know moving can be stressful that is why we are here for you.

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